Sweetwater Creek State Park is, hands down, my favorite place to run. The trails are somewhat technical, the water is gorgeous, the deer are brave, and the snakes like to come out to play! Really, running the trails there is like being a little kid and going on an adventure. It’s almost exciting enough to take your mind off the pain! Every time I run there I think, “I want to get someone out here early in the morning to capture THIS… the grayness, the mist on the water, the sun just coming up, the puffs of breath in the air…” This past Saturday, I just couldn’t stand it anymore, so I called my friend who has two beautiful daughters and asked if they would be up for braving the cold weather and going on a hike. My friend, Scarlett Jimison, is an incredible artist (www.scarlettsart.com)… so of course she’s willing to do about anything for the sake of art! So we packed up and headed out on the trails in 34F weather… and captured some magic! As a photographer, sometimes it’s important to do a shoot just for you…. to feed your vision and strengthen your technique. This shoot… it was for me! And I’m so in love with every photo! Enjoy!!!
Denise, you are amazing! These photos are absolutely beautifull! (Even if they are of my granddaughters.) I would love to get copies. Let me know if that is possible, and the cost. Thanks!
[…] to do that for her! We headed out to Sweetwater Creek State Park (I recently posted some other photos from a conceptual shoot I did there in the freezing cold with fine portrait artist, Scarlett […]
I was just there hiking a couple of weeks ago – one of my favorite places, too! I used to go there when I was a teenager – before they fenced in the mill ruins.
Thank you, Becky! I would love for you to have some copies! I gave Brad and Scarlett links to an online gallery where they can download the originals or purchase prints. Let me know if they don’t know how to get that information to you and I’ll get it to you. 🙂 It’s password protected, so be sure to get that from them as well.
Patti Jacobs Somerville-Lee it’s so incredibly beautiful there! I used to go as a kid and then later as an adult I started running there. I wish we could get close to the ruins, though… THAT would make some amazing photos!