I honestly have no adequate words to express what an honor it was to be asked by Grace Presbyterian Church in Douglasville, GA to document their 10 year anniversary celebration. I’ve known many of the people who attend this church for many, many years. They are dear to my heart and I’m so thankful for the influence they’ve had in my life. Added to that, my sister-in-law and her family attend there, so I’ve made many new friends over the years… so really, even though I attend a different church in a different town, this church is sort of like a second family. I truly love them, and I was grateful to be given the opportunity to capture this special time for them. They are a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching, Christ-centered, Grace-filled church. And they are a joy to know!
Grace began the celebration with a Friday night dinner, worship service, and dessert social, and concluded their celebration with a Sunday morning worship service and full congregation photo. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them!
To view a complete gallery of the images from Grace’s 10 Year Anniversary Celebration, click here.
LOVE! Great job on the photos! Great people…love them like blood family!
You truly captured the joy of the moment, Denise. I’m so proud of you for many reasons.