Shanna is a sweetheart. I think anyone who first meets her would come away with this impression. And the more time you spend with her, the more you realize it’s true. I first met Shanna through her dad – he’s my running buddy, running encyclopedia, running medic (as I feel like I’m dying when I’m running!), etc… And so when Shanna first contacted me to schedule an anniversary photo shoot with her husband, I was so happy to do it (by the way… how SWEET is it that she wanted to get anniversary photos taken?!)! Then came the morning run when Shanna’s dad told me the beautiful, happy news… Shanna is expecting!!! So we rescheduled her shoot and turned it into a maternity shoot and a celebration!
Shanna and Brandon met me at one of my absolute favorite locations at my favorite time of day… The Golden Hour, just before sunset. Aside from the fact that my boys were literally throwing lizards on me while I took photos, it was a perfect shoot (and besides, the lizards made Shanna and Brandon laugh, so it was worth it). Brandon, surprisingly to me, is artistic and knows photography. Finding a husband who’s just as enthusiastic as his wife over photos is always a treat! Ha! And we had a blast! I’m so happy with how these photos turned out. I think they capture the incredibly sweet love between these two. And I think they show the joy and wonder of the moment, the dreams and thankfulness for the gift that is new life. This session was a joy for me… an absolute joy from beginning to end! I can’t wait to meet this sweet baby girl, arriving just after the new year!
Enjoy the photos. Enjoy the smiles, the warm light, the expectation. Enjoy the good gift from the Lord of new life! Part 2 coming soon…
Maternity Photos